I love you mask! You've made my dreams come true! I know you're evil and you've been cursing me since the day I got you. But your tricks have actually made my life better!
People have called you bad for a long time. But I don't think you're bad. You're perfect for me. Whatever you're doing, keep it up! I love you!
When I first found you at that anthropologist's yard sale. He couldn't even give you away! He said you were cursed But I didn't care. I thought you would look cool on my dorm wall. But you gave me a nasty splinter when I hung you up on my wall. It got infected, so when I went to the doctor to get lab and blood work, he found out I had a growth on my scrotum. It could have turned into cancer if I wasn't careful. One weekend and procedure later it was completely removed. Now I'm fit as a fiddle.
The second curse you gave me made my cheap ass car break down. The tranny was completely busted thanks to your meddling. But guess what? I found some money hidden inside the walls of my old car. I found $30,000 dollars in it! My car used to belong to some old drug dealer and he must have forgotten he had that money when he sold it to me. That dude got arrested in a drug bust and I don't think he'll ever come back for it. You busting my car let me find a nice treasure! Thanks!
Then, some time later. Your magical mumbo jumbo caused me to lose my job. I was okay with that. My job sucked anyways. Plus with all that money I found. I was thinking about quitting anyways. I was some bigshot's assistant in some corporate office. Your 'evil' magic caused some papers to get lost. I was blamed for it. Even though I had no clue how. But those missing papers somehow ended up in the dumpster where some journalists found it. Who later did some investigating. A big scandal broke out and the whole senior staff was charged with corruption and bribery. They all went to jail. And since I was fired before all of that. I didn't get in trouble. You saved me!
By now I'm sure you were pissed! You saved your worst curse for last.I would wake up each morning feeling a little bit different. I didn't feel weak. Just weird. I was getting thinner and getting funny lumps and curves. I was actually shrinking. What really freaked me out was when I woke up one day with breasts! I couldn't deny what they were. Also my hips changed dramatically and my ass became a perfect bubble butt. You cursed me into changing me into a girl didn't you, little mask?
How did you know I was gender dysphoric? I've always hated my male body. I've always wanted to be a woman. But I gave up on that dream years ago. At first I was scared of my changes but now I love it. I have a chance to become who I truly want to be. Sadly I'm going to lose my dick and balls. It looks like the operation done to me a few months back really messed up my hormones. The hospital gave me the wrong pills too. I was taking a double dose of meds that seriously messed up my male body. Even the hospital wasn't sure how that happened. But they gave me a settlement check, and will pay to remove my damaged testicles. I still have some of the car money, so I'm going to get gender re-assignment surgery in a few weeks. My friends and family totally support my changes. They are with me all the way until I truly become a woman.
So thank you Mask! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your curses are a blessing in disguise! My hero! Can I kiss you?
This short story started as a caption. It was going to go into my fantasy spiros site but it wasn't fantastical enough. Its up to you fair reader to decide if it was a set of coincidences or really a curse from a wooden mask!