Saturday, December 27, 2014

Monday, December 22, 2014

Ms. Claus Is Stuck

A guy finds out its not so easy to climb out a window when your sex changes. His buddy is there to help him out.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

A Friendly Ear

David finds himself in need of a friend and someone to talk to. Stephen is there to help him out, but gender change happens.

Sorry If I haven't posted in a bit. My work hours are long because of the holidays and my days off are spent doing other things.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Little Sister Visit

Family issues happened and now a transformed guy has to take care of his little sister.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Taxi Ride

I know $2000 will go a long way to pay off my tuition. But I shouldn't have replied to that Kregslist ad. It promised easy money for people willing to do some special requests. I wonder how many other people have done it already? What are those special requests about? I didn't think it through, and I fear it's already too late.

I should have done something. But I didn't. After a few emails with some anonymous person, we made an agreement. Money has already been wired to my account and there's nothing I can do. I shouldn't have, but I've spent most of the money already. I paid off a good chunk of my debt with it. But, I've gone too far now. I cant pay them back even if I tried. And soon someone will be here to collect.

I shudder to think what they would do if I bail on this. If someone can give out that much money so easily, they must have a lot of power. I cant disappear. They'll probably find me and kill me. I hate to admit it, but this has mafia written all over it.

One day, there was a strange knock at my door. I opened it and found nobody. I looked down and on my doorstep was a package with a little note and a cellphone. It was from them. The note said I was to wait for a text and do what it said. A few days passed and nothing happened. I foolishly thought I was in the clear. Maybe it was a prank after all? Some of my fellow college students making a serious prank. But late that night, the phone buzzed.

The text said to get showered and wait for a taxi to honk three times. A few hours later, that dreaded taxi arrived. I meekly got out of my apartment. I looked around for anything or anyone suspicious. The night was quiet and no one was around. All I saw was a huge old school yellow taxi, idling. In the darkness I saw two people in it.

A fat, greasy man exited the back seat of the taxi. He told me to get aboard. He was scary looking. And his voice had the typical mafia accent you hear on TV. "Swallow this pill." he said. He handed me a bottled water and I ingested the pill. I heard the locks on taxi automatically close as it hastily sped off.

As I sat there in the car, the fat mafia guy pulled out a dark bag and put it over my head. "I cant wait to see how you turn out." His creepy voice said. I wonder what he meant? I wanted to say something, but I've seen enough movies to know that I should shut up and do as they say.

With the bag over my head, I could tell we were going somewhere far out of town. I don't know what was in that pill, but strange things were happening to me. I felt strange tickles and throbs all over my body. My body felt too warm. When the car would reach a stop light, the abrupt breaking made me dizzy. I could feel my body get all jiggly.

Even though I was blindfolded, I could feel the eyes of the guy sitting next to me. It's like he was undressing me. His heavy breathing and wheezing suggested that he was probably one heart attack away from death. He turned away for a second. I could hear him dialing to someone on a cellphone. I could hear his excess button pressing as he corrected himself and finally his call went through.

"Yes, he's changing" I could hear him say. What am I changing into? I wonder. My body still hasn't stopped feeling weird. Whatever is happening to me is speeding up. My dress shirt felt loose and itchy on me. And My pants were loose on my waist yet tight around my hips. My butt felt heavy too. "Shall I take him to the usual place?" I couldn't hear the voice on the other line. I shudder to think where or what that place is.

As the car hit a big pothole, I got a nasty cramp in my belly. I tried my best not to throw up. I don't want to puke all over the bag on me. Were my stomach pains because of my fears about what would happen to me or something else?

When the taxi hit the freeway, someone lowered down the window a bit. Through the cloth on my head I could see streetlights woosh by. I could feel the cold night outside. The wind from the open window was rattling the pane, I felt cold. It felt wrong. My nipples were throbbing. I thought I was used to the cold. But my jaw was shivering. I could feel the guy sitting next to me, he was up to something.

"Fuck it. I've got to see this!" I heard the fat man say. I felt the seat shift and the guy used his hands to tear apart open my shirt. My cold chest was exposed to the night air drifting in. His fat fingers were touching me. He stroked my shoulder and he pinched my puffy nipples on my chest. I let out a girly moan. Was that my voice? What's this fat pervert going to do to me?

As the fat man continued to grab at my chest, I felt my chest expand outward. Almost like his touch was inflating me. It felt so good. But my chest kept getting heavier. His greasy hands was holding more and more flesh. Mine. It was soft and heavy. Almost like breasts.....Wait! Why do I have breasts? I'm a guy? I snap out of it. I try to push him off me. But I have no strength.

The fat man responded by getting more aggressive. I could feel his weight on me. He unlatches my loosening belt. I have no way to stop him. he's trying to get into my pants! His fat fingers caressed my smooth stomach. His touch sent shivers all over my sensitive body. This is disgusting, why is my body responding to his advances? This guy must be gay and I'm sure he's drugged me.

Then the fat pervert's hands went down my boxers! I was scared. It looks like I'm getting raped here in some beat up old taxi. I felt sick. I couldn't believe I was aroused by some fat dude trying to get into my pants. His hand grazed my engorged dick. I had the weirdest boner ever. It felt like nothing I've ever had before. My balls felt like they were imploding. My crotch felt like it was tearing apart. I was panting heavily under my cloth bag. I felt strange new sensations. I let out a feminine scream! I thought I came, but nothing came out of my dick. I fell back on the seat as the fat pervert still had his way with me.

My muffled scream got the attention of the taxi driver and I heard the car swerve around. I heard a truckers horn honk at us. The taxi finally slows down on the side of the road. I could hear the gravel thrown by the tires as it finally came to a stop.

The fat pervert didn't care that the car came to a stop. I could still feel him on me. I was trying to get my bearings together. I know I came but, it was like nothing I've ever felt before. My aroused body could hear everything. Even under the cloth bag. The taxi's blinker, crickets out in the grass, the fat perverts zipper coming down. The door opening,  A gun cocking.

"What are you doing you fat motherfucker?" The other voice said. It was the taxi driver.

"Shut up and drive!" The pervert slurred. "I'm gonna fuck this bitch!"

"You fat, fucking moron!" The driver spat. "Do you have any idea what your fucking doing? You're not supposed to rape the goods. That pussy is taken already. I am not going to face the boss because of your fucking cock!" The taxi driver pulls the trigger and a bullet is shot into the darkness. "The next bullet wont miss," the driver hissed.

I felt like a piece of meat. I know I've been saved only to find out that something worse may come later. The fat pervert gets off me, not before giving my now big breasts a huge squeeze and kissing my neck. I could feel his fat neckbeard as he slobbered on my clavicle. I could hear him angrily mutter some things to himself as he went back to his seat. The taxi driver seemed to hate that last bit of defiance from the fat man. I heard metal hit flesh. I could only guess that the taxi driver hit the fat pervert with his gun. I could tell that the fat mafia man was slumped over the seat.

The taxi driver comes around to where I'm sitting. He tries to fix me up. He buttons up my shirt, but these new breasts of mine are too big. The shirt strains, buttons pop off and it's too torn up to be closed now. I could feel him grabbing me and sitting me back upright on the seat. I felt so small and feminine now. I can feel him hovering outside my door.

"I'm sorry Daniel. Yeah we know who you are. We've been spying on you for the past few days. But this fat fuck here couldn't hold it in much longer. He loves transformed males. He gets his kicks fucking newly made women like you. Our boss told me to keep an eye on him. He's been in trouble before. He's damaged other goods already. Boss gave him one more chance and he blew it. Now this fat fuck has made it harder for us to finish the job. Did he pork you?"

"Ummmm, No." My voice sounded so feminine. Nothing like the voice I used to have. "He touched my dick I think."

"Daniel," The taxi driver said. "you don't have a dick anymore. You're completely a woman now. The pill we gave you earlier changed your sex. Virginity is a hot commodity right now. Your female virginity that is. There are people out there that will pay top dollar for your snatch. Now adays, it's so hard to find adult women who haven't been fucked yet. We supply our clients with special girls like you. Some don't care that the woman they're fucking used to be a man. Others do. We've been spying on you to see that you live a healthy lifestyle. You may be poor and broke right now, but you don't have any diseases and that's a plus with us. Now it's up to you Daniel. We've already paid you. Now it's your turn to fulfill our agreement. Is your pussy for sale? Or is your pussy for sale?"

I thought about it for what seemed an eternity. I really did have no choice. I'm still their prisoner. I took a deep breath. "Am I stuck as a woman forever now?" I asked. Damn, I love the sound of my feminine voice. "How can I be sure I'll be set free once this is done?" I want to sound confident but my new voice sounds deliciously slutty.

I could hear the taxi driver grab the phone from the fat pervert. He then spoke, "The pill we gave you lasts about three days. You'll be back to your ordinary life by then. No one will believe you that you changed your sex and you sold your body. You could go to the cops, but it's best to keep your mouth shut. Some transformed men when they change a second time into women may get their virginity back. If you like money and sex, maybe you'll come back to us? I haven't seen your face yet. But your body looks damn sexy. No wonder why this fat tub of shit wanted to pork you. Think about it as we drive to our safe house. I have to change some things now that this idiot here thought with his dick and now lost his job security."

The fat pervert. stayed eerily quiet.

I heard the taxi driver dial another phone number. He closed my door and walked around to the drivers seat. "Plans have changed, Meet me in safe house D," The taxi driver said into the phone. "Have our client meet us there. Have Ruffo come to the safehouse too. It looks like Gregory here is about to meet Mr. Benzini for the last time." Trembling fear escaped from Fat Gregory, as he sat next to me. I thought he was knocked out. But he was just being quiet. I don't think he's going to do anything to me now. The taxi burned rubber and dirt chunks flew off as it sped back on the freeway.

The Taxi driver was still on the cellphone. I could hear him getting chewed out by whoever was on the other line. "I couldn't help it boss." I heard him say. "The goods now knows her options. Isn't it
better that she knows anyways?" After some more apologies, and words from the other line. The taxi driver finally hung up. I heard him curse a few words.

After a few more miles of driving and amid the quiet silence, the taxi slowed down. I could hear an automatic gate open up somewhere and the car slowly drove in. In the distance you could hear steam and banging pipes. The back doors came open and some men grabbed Gregory and me. I don't think I'll see him again. One of them easily lifted me and I offered no resistance. I know better.

The men led me down some hallway into another room. Somewhere along the way I lost my shoes. It's not like they fit me anymore. My breasts and butt jiggle with each heavy step of the man who carried me. I could hear more banging pipes and steam escaping somewhere. It's like I'm in some sort of factory. A heavy door creaks open. One of the men sets me down and unties the cloth bag on my head. I could feel my big butt on the cold metal floor. Another man leaves a plastic bag on the floor near me. The heavy door shuts back again, I hear a click as it locks.

I wait a few minutes. I stay still. I am trying to listen, to hear if anyone else is the room with me. But I'm all by myself. I take the bag off my head. Through the dim light, strands of blueish-gray hair fall back on my head. My hair is no longer brown. My soft hair is a strange shade I've never seen before.

My soft slender hands caress the features on my face. I can feel thin eyebrows and large eyes on me. My cheeks are soft and I have a feminine chin and nose. I haven't seen myself in a mirror yet, but I
know I'm beautiful.

I wobbly stand up. Once again I feel strange curves and jiggles on me. I stretch out my hands and pop my back. I feel the weight of my big chest on me. My body posture is completely feminine.

I look at the rest of my surroundings. I'm in some empty storage room with lots of pipes. The room is pretty dark with only some weak fluorescent light coming out of the wall. I walk towards the plastic bag placed on the floor near me. I am surprized by the way I walk now. My feminine hips put a little sway in my step now. My pants are almost falling off. I could feel my thighs rubbing together with each step.

I try to bend down and grab the bag. But I'm not used to my feminine proportions. My floppy breasts poke through my torn dress shirt. I almost fall forward on my face. I stand back up and decide to bend down on my knees. I grab the plastic bag, I slowly step towards the wall where there's the most light.

I open the bag and I find a note again with some written instructions.


I hold up the purple undergarments, and I look down on my clothes. They are very dirty and they smell like Fat Gregory's sweat. I gag a little and hastily take them off. My dusty dress shirt is flung to the floor. I look down on my large pendulous breasts. The cold air in the room makes my huge nipples poke out. I look at my new bra and I inspect it. The cups look too small. But there's nothing else for me to wear. I use my dainty fingers and adjust the plastic and the straps that will go over my feminine shoulders. I make them go out as far as they can. I ease the garment onto my chest. The soft satin kisses my nipples. I place my hands though the openings. After a few tries, I finally get the hooks to close on my back. My breasts look even bigger being held up by my bra. The weight of them digs into the thin straps on my shoulders.

Now it's on to my pants. My poor old male pants look ridiculous on my wide hips. The pants button was torn off now. Probably still on the taxi. I wiggle off my old khakis. I take off one foot first and then the other. I'm somehow getting better with my balance now that I have my bra on. I have firm thighs and legs. They are the hottest pair of legs I've seen on any girl. I take off my old dirty white socks, the soles were turned gray from the dirty floor of the room. My sexy toes wiggle on the cold metal floor. I wonder what type of shoes will fit my smaller feet?

The last part of me that proved I was a guy was my boxers. My dick has been gone for a while, now I have a pussy. It is an alien feeling. To have my genitals become something else. Fat Gregory was the first to awaken my femininity. It sickens me to admit it, but it felt good. Beneath these worn out old boxers, my womanhood awaits. I shudder to think that all of this is my fault. And it is. Because I wanted some easy money, I am now in this situation. Someone bought me. In a few hours some dude is going to stick his dick in my virgin pussy and have his way with me. When I remove these boxers and put on those panties, my ordinary life is over.

I look at my trembling hands as I pull down my boxers. I can only hope that what the taxi driver told me was true. Will I ever put back my underwear as a man? I grab the tiny, silky purple panties. I pull one of my legs up higher and put my toes through my new underwear. My legs follow. I pull up my new panties. I have to shimmy them up as they reach my hips. I pull the elastic farther out and I let them go. A satisfying snap is heard as my panties hug my waist. My gentle, sloping hips make it look like it was meant to wear them. I adjust them one last time. Soft fabric caresses my ass and covers my new pussy. My womb twitches in anticipation.

I am now a woman, from head to toe. This dark room is where I'm reborn. The fluorescent lights from the room flicker as I ponder my new fate.

I have no choice. I must be as feminine as I can. If I must service a man, then so be it. Memories of all the porn I've watched since I was a teen come to me. I must do what the girls in those videos do. I stop and think about it for a second. Maybe it wont be so bad? As long as the man is not fat and ugly like Gregory then maybe I can have fun too. My survival depends on this.

As I lean back on the wall, I doze off into sleep. I don't want to, but my eyelids are so heavy. I hear a pipe dripping in the dark room somewhere. I can only guess that it's two or three in the morning. The drips slowly lull me to a dreaming darkness.

I'm ready for anything.

Nature Walk

Carlos finds his friend Felipe a little different when he shows up for their nature walks.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Aggressive Cousin

This is a somewhat continuation of the last story "little brother in my bed." One cousin forces the other to do things while they are both transformed.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Little Brother in My Bed

A guy finds a surprise at his bedroom door as he tries to sleep. Its his little brother, but he looks different.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Friday, December 5, 2014